Our financial results, annual reports, presentations and key figures. Our financial results, annual reports, presentations and key figures.
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Results, reports and key figures

Results, reports and key figures

Our financial results, annual reports, presentations, and key figures.

Financial results

  • Valiant Holding AG - Interim financial statements as at 31 March 2024 (pdf 80 KB)
  • Media release from 3 may 2024 (pdf 127 KB)
  • Valiant Holding AG - Interim financial statement as at 30 September 2023 (pdf 77 KB)
  • Media release from 2 November 2023 (pdf 81 KB)
  • Media release from 27 July 2023 (pdf 151 KB)
  • Valiant Holding AG – Half-year report at 30 June 2023 (pdf 677 KB)
  • Presentation for analysts and media representatives (pdf 3537 KB)
  • Valiant Holding AG – Disclosures of capital adequacy and liquidity 30 june 2023 (pdf 159 KB)


Online half-year report 2024

Here you can find all the key information from the successful half-year including ‘The half-year in summary’, a video featuring CEO Ewald Burgener and CFO Serge Laville, as well as stories and a download centre (in German or French).

  • Valiant Holding AG – Annual Report 2023 (pdf 5702 KB)
  • Valiant Holding AG – Disclosures of capital adequacy and liquidity as of 31.12.2023 (pdf 459 KB)
  • GRI Content Index 2023 Annual Report (pdf 236 KB)
  • Valiant Holding AG – Annual Report 2022 (pdf 4971 KB)
  • Valiant Holding AG – Disclosures of capital adequacy and liquidity as of 31.12.2022 (pdf 453 KB)
  • GRI Content Index 2022 Annual Report (pdf 301 KB)
  • GRI Content Index 2021 Annual Report (pdf 261 KB)
  • Valiant Holding AG - Disclosures of capital adequacy and liquidity as of 31.12.2021 (pdf 401 KB)
  • Valiant Holding AG - Annual Report 2021 (pdf 5426 KB)
  • GRI Content Index 2020 Annual Report (pdf 160 KB)
  • Valiant Holding AG - Disclosures of capital adequacy and liquidity as of 31.12.2020 (pdf 577 KB)
  • Valiant Holding AG - Annual Report 2020 (pdf 4034 KB)

Presentation and key figures

Presentation for investors (July 2024)
pdf 1276 KB
Investor Workbook (July 2024)
xlsx 148 KB


Questions on Valiant? 
Simply contact us.

Portrait Joachim Matha
Joachim Matha
Head of Investor Relations