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Medienmitteilung, Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Serge Laville named CFO of Valiant

Serge Laville, head of Valiant's Accounting and Controlling Department and acting CFO since November 2021, will succeed Hanspeter Kaspar as head of Finance and Infrastructure (CFO) and a member of the Executive Board.

Serge Laville has been head of Accounting and Controlling and deputy CFO at Valiant since 2011. Before that, he held various positions at PricewaterhouseCoopers, both in Switzerland and abroad. He earned a degree in business administration from the Neuchâtel Business School in 2003 and became an EXPERTsuisse-certified accountant in 2006.

Serge Laville had already served as acting CFO after Ewald Burgener was appointed CEO in 2019. He is known for his professional expertise and excellent soft skills and is highly trusted both within and outside the bank. He will take over as CFO and a member of the Executive Board of Valiant Holding AG and Valiant Bank AG on 1 February 2022.

Serge Laville, a 48-year-old native of Jura Canton, is married and has a son. He and his family live in Delémont.


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