Here you will find information on ratings, Valiant covered bonds and other listed bonds of Valiant. Here you will find information on ratings, Valiant covered bonds and other listed bonds of Valiant.
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Debt capital

Debt capital

Information on Valiant's credit ratings and listed bonds.

Credit ratings

The ratings assigned to Valiant Bank by various rating agencies attest to our creditworthiness.

Rating Date
Moody's Deposit RatingA1/Prime-112 September 2023
Zürcher KantonalbankA1 February 2024
Moody’s Rating Update – 12 September 2023
pdf 1330 KB

Covered bonds

All of Valiant's outstanding covered bonds are rated Aaa by Moody's, the highest possible rating. Covered bonds are available as either public issues or private placements. Valiant issues covered bonds through two different programmes.

Covered Bond Programme 1

In November 2017, Valiant Bank launched its first covered bond programme as a way of diversifying its funding sources. Covered bonds under the first programme are exclusively covered by Swiss residential mortgages held by Valiant Hypotheken AG.

Covered Bond Programme 2

In June 2022, Valiant Bank launched its second covered bond programme to secure its long-term funding on the capital market. Covered bonds under the second programme are mainly covered by Swiss residential mortgages held by Valiant Garantie AG.


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Portrait Joachim Matha
Joachim Matha
Head of Investor Relations