Here you will find information on the Valiant Covered Bond Programme 2. Here you will find information on the Valiant Covered Bond Programme 2.
Abschaltung Valiant Mobile Banking App per 31. Oktober 2024

Die alte Mobile Banking App (Icon mit lila Hintergrund) wird per 31. Oktober 2024 abgeschaltet. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt kann die alte App nicht mehr genutzt werden. Nutzen Sie stattdessen die neue Valiant App (Icon mit weissem Hintergrund), welche Ihnen noch einfacher Zugang zu unseren Bankdienstleistungen gibt. 


Covered Bond Programme 2

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Covered Bonds Disclaimer

Informations for investors on Valiant Covered Bonds.



These documents on the website relating to “Covered bonds” have been prepared solely for information purposes and are for the information of institutional investors only. They may not be used by or distributed to any US person, or any person or address in the United States, except for qualified institutional buyers (“QIBs”) as defined in Rule 144A of the US Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”). No securities may be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from registration under the Securities Act. Valiant Bank AG and/or its affiliates (hereinafter “Valiant”) does not intend to register any portion of the Covered bonds in the United States or to conduct a public offering of securities in the United States or in any other jurisdiction where such an offer would be unlawful. These documents do not constitute an offer of, or an invitation to make an offer to purchase any securities of Valiant in the United States or to any person in any other jurisdiction where such offer or invitation would be unlawful. These documents may not be viewed by persons in the United States except for QIBs. Covered bonds are being offered and sold outside the United States to non-US persons pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act, and may not be offered or sold in the United States except to QIBs in reliance on Rule 144A or another exemption from, or transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act.

These documents are not an offer, solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any specific products or to enter into any transactions or conclude legally binding agreements of any kind. Any results shown do not reflect the impact of commissions and/or fees, unless stated. Valiant prices are provided for information purposes only, as an accommodation and without charge. They do not constitute an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to conclude any transaction at the prices noted.

Although all reasonable diligence has been exercised and reliable sources have been used for all information, Valiant can provide no assurance as to the accuracy, reliability, correctness, timeliness or completeness of any of the information presented herein. To the extent permitted by law, Valiant shall have no liability for any losses whatsoever, whether arising from this information or as a result of the risks inherent in the financial markets.

These documents do not purport to contain all of the information that an interested party may desire. In all cases, interested parties should thoroughly check and analyse the transaction described in these documents and the information contained in them. In particular, it is recommended for interested parties to check that the information provided is in line with their own circumstances with regard to any legal, regulatory, tax or other consequences, if necessary with the help of a professional advisor. Historical data on the performance of the investment product or the underlying assets is no indication of future performance. No representation or warranty is made that any indicative performance or return indicated will be achieved in the future.

Valiant Covered Bond Programme 2

Here you will find information on the Valiant Covered Bond Programme 2.

Outstanding issues

1.125%CHF 20 Mio.2024-08.07.2025Private Placement
1.000%CHF 100 Mio.2024-28.08.2025Private Placement

Investor Report


Moody’s Performance Overview Report Q2 2024
pdf 717 KB
Moody’s New Issue Report, 13 June 2022
pdf 2046 KB


  • Offizielle Mitteilung Implementierung SIX Nominee Modell (pdf 66 KB)


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Portrait Joachim Matha
Joachim Matha
Head of Investor Relations