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17.05.2023 – All motions approved at the 2023 Valiant Annual General Meeting


All motions approved at the 2023 Valiant Annual General Meeting

At the 26th Annual General Meeting of Valiant Holding AG, which was held on 17 May 2023, shareholders approved all motions submitted by the Board of Directors by a clear majority.
Image Valiant Annual General Meeting 2023

After three years of virtual meetings, the 26th Annual General Meeting of Valiant was again held in person. 988 shareholders were present at the Annual General Meeting of Valiant Holding AG in Bern, representing 8 109 098 votes (51.35%), and supported all the motions of the Board of Directors – including the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association. These have been updated to reflect the revision to company law and now use gender-neutral language. They also contain provisions on holding hybrid or virtual general meetings. However, the Board of Directors intends to continue holding the Annual General Meeting in person.

Stable dividend 
At the Annual General Meeting of Valiant Holding AG, shareholders approved an unchanged dividend of CHF 5 per share. This represents a payout ratio of 61%, which is within the target range of 50–70% set by the Board. A total of CHF 78.96 million will be paid out to shareholders.
More information on Valiant's Annual General Meeting, including voting results, can be found at


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