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25.03.2024 – Publication of the 2023 Valiant Annual Report

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Publication of the 2023 Valiant Annual Report

Valiant Holding AG published its Annual Report for the financial year 2023 today, 25 March 2024.

The Annual Report of Valiant Holding AG comprises the following chapters: Management Report, Sustainability Report, Corporate Governance, Compensation Report and Financial Report. The Annual Report commences with an interview with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Markus Gygax, and the CEO, Ewald Burgener, together with a letter to the shareholders. The Sustainability Report was prepared in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the counterproposal to the Responsible Business Initiative (RBI) and will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for the first time.

The report is supplemented by a printed short report and an online Annual Report with interactive figures and a summary of business in 2023. The online 2023 Annual Report is available at

All documents and information on Valiant’s Annual Report can be found at

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