Here you can find the documents of past General Meetings. Here you can find the documents of past General Meetings.
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Archive Annual General Meetings

Archive Annual General Meetings

Here you can find the documents of past General Meetings.
  • Voting results of the Annual General Meeting of Valiant Holding AG 2023 (pdf 67 KB)
  • Media release from 17 May 2023 (pdf 216 KB)
  • Invitation to the Annual General Meeting 2023 (pdf 547 KB)
  • Explanations to the proposed amendments of the articles of association (pdf 372 KB)
  • Articles of Association with all amendments (pdf 419 KB)
  • Media release from 18 May 2022 (pdf 130 KB)
  • Voting results of the Annual General Meeting of Valiant Holding AG 2022 (pdf 33 KB)
  • Agenda for the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Valiant Holding AG (pdf 1703 KB)
  • Voting results of the Annual General Meeting of Valiant Holding AG held 2021 (pdf 32 KB)
  • Media release from 6 May 2021 (pdf 213 KB)
  • Agenda and motions for the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Valiant Holding AG (pdf 1559 KB)
  • Archivbilder von Jürg Bucher und Markus Gygax (zip 6413 KB)
  • Photos de Jürg Bucher et Markus Gygax (zip 6413 KB)
  • Agenda and motions for the Annual General Meeting 2020 (pdf 109 KB)
  • All motions approved at Valiant AGM, dividend increased and Markus Gygax elected as Chairman (pdf 143 KB)
  • Voting results of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Valiant Holding AG (pdf 41 KB)
  • Voting results of the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Valiant Holding AG (pdf 41 KB)
  • Valiant increases dividend – Markus Gygax joins the Board of Directors, 16 May 2019 (pdf 35 KB)
  • Invitation to the Ordinary Annual General Meeting 2019 (pdf 74 KB)
  • Bilder Photos 2019 (zip 12939 KB)
  • Invitation to the Ordinary Annual General Meeting 2018 (pdf 370 KB)
  • Valiant AGM, Dividend raised to CHF 4.00, 23 May 2018 (pdf 35 KB)
  • Voting results of the 2018 ordinary Annual General Meeting (pdf 33 KB)